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What are the Ways of Wudang?
Throughout this whole website, you can find material on each individual channel and all of the resources and online content that they come with. You can also check out the information below or watch this clip from the launch of the Wudang Way Youtube channel where I introduced the Ways of Wudang. For the original video, click here.
The Ways of Wudang
Wudang Way
The first way is the level of the body and is experienced through the martial arts, qigong, and taichi systems of Wudang San Feng Pai as taught through the Wudang Way channel. This Way is the first step that you will take into the full system of self cultivation. It begins with a free online program full of basic training methods and can develop into a comprehensive curriculum in both external and internal gongfu.
Begin the journey by clicking through to the "Body|Train" section of the website and prepare yourself for everything to come. There are many ways to get involved from self study through the free content on Youtube to signing up for private classes and designing your own curriculum. Wudang Way is the doorway into the deeper aspects of the Ways of Wudang. Through these teachings you will gain experience that will enrich your journey.
Tea Talk - Unfiltered
The second level of the Ways of Wudang is dedicated to the mind. To cultivate the mind, you can access study resources, read articles, connect on community boards, and join the conversation with the weekly podcast, Tea Talks - Unfiltered. This Way is meant to equip you with the understanding that will contextualize the practices that you are learning. Through the resources you will add color and depth to these cultural practices and learn how to apply them in more ways to your life, relationships, and practice. If the first level is the application, then this level is the philosophy.
Dive into all of this information by heading over to the "Mind|Study" section of the website and discover new connections and perspectives. The weekly Tea talk series is podcast that shares my own history, lessons, and perspectives that have evolved through my own practice over the years. I hope you can join me there for a cup of tea and a bit of philosophy.
Wu Dao Music
The final level of the Ways of Wudang is all about cultivating the Spirit. Art is the window into the soul and here the medium is music. Wu Dao Music is a collection of my own studies and interests that I share here for all interested in joining and playing along. Life without music is like food without taste. Art is how we truly communicate and it is a language that we should all have access to.
Within the "Spirit|Music" section of the website you can find everything to get started on your own musical practice. The focus of the Way is based around the Chinese bamboo flute, the Xiao. In the way we can connect all of our Ways together. Practice to condition the body, discourse to condition the mind, and music to combine the benefits of both into a peaceful harmony. To help you along the way, there are resources for study, reading jian pu, a directory for sheet music, and video tutorials available on the WuDao Music Youtube channel.
It is hoped that with these resources, you can not only learn and experience all of these different practices of Wudang and Daoist culture but you can also cultivate body, mind, and spirit all along the Way! Be sure to browse the rest of the website and the connecting channels to join us for the journey!

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